"Pastor, You Are a First Responder"
Pastor, You Are a First Responder. You are in the front line of the response against COVID19, serving your church and community in different ways. Your ministry is essential to the spiritual, emotional, and physical health of your community,
What would happen if you fell victim to COVID19? Over the last months, due to COVID19, we have seen many pastors and members of our churches leave us to be with our Lord and the impact that this has had on our communities.
For this reason, NAHPA launches the “Pastor, You Are A First Responder” campaign, with the purpose of encouraging pastors to protect themselves and the community they serve against COVID19. We ask that you share this initiative with pastors and leaders in your community.
At “The National Alliance of Hispanic Pastors” NAHPA, we are constantly praying and interceding for you before our Heavenly Father.
In the Lord and always at his service.
Rev. Carlos Duran